Monday 20 December 2010

Has common sense become frozen with the frost and snow

A few years ago, I watched A Place in the sun presented by a lady called Amanda, her surname escapes me at present but one thing that stuck in my mind ever since is that she had come to a conclusion that there are some people who come to live abroad and seem totally clueless as to how to be a sensible ex-pat, deciding that they left their common sense behind on the plane.

In the light of the current weather conditions, I am totally and utterly amazed at the number of people who are arriving at Heathrow and Gatwick despite repeated appeals and warnings, not to come unless there is a definite certainty that their aircraft will take off then arrive in the offchance to find that their flight is not taking off at all but find themselves marooned at the airports. These are people who want to get away from it all. I have come to the conclusion that they haven't lelft common sense on the plane because there are no aircraft to leave their common sense on but rather they have left it in the deep freeze. Have I missed something somewhere perhaps? I thought there was supposed to be a recession, that we are in it altogether to deal with a period of austerity. All I can say then is, what recession if these people swan off to far flung places with small children, mark you, as well as old people, contributing to Global warming which surprisingly enough go hand in hand with the current conditions. Has it entered the minds of these people that the exhaust from these aircraft are contributing to the melting icebergs in the Arctic, causing the Gulf Stream to gradually sink, no of course they have not because they do not believe it exists. Well the last laugh in years to come, will fall on the sceptics but then it will be too late won't it.

I reckon that Wikkileak editor, Julian Assage who is alleged to be Swedish, is probably in that grand house in Suffolk, killing himself with laughter for the Scandinavians would no more think of going away to sunnier climbs than jump into their nearest lake and die of hypothermia. The Norwegians above all, love their country,whatever the temperature and happy to stay put. What they do is when they go out is just put on an extra couple layers of clothing and then when they visit their friend's houses, just simply peal off the layers, restoring them when they leave. Yes. OK, we rarely get these conditions but think back to last year and the early part of this when we had similar conditions but the Norwegians, Danes and Swedes know they are going to get this kind of Scandinavian weather and who is to say that we may not get it again next year.

Yes it is cold but that is winter fortunately or otherwise. This is natural and if you think about it, on the whole, this will kill the alleged cold and Swine flu germs that have emerged once more. Germs and bacteria on the whole do not like extremely cold conditions. In fact if you think hard about it, when a doctor examines you for some reason, they always have luke warm or cold hands, why, simple, to kill off any underlying bacteria, bearing in mind they have probably examined someone with complications from a virus.

It is time for the sake of climate and purse, people need to develop and retain common sense, it is a vital tool to survival. At one time, people wanted to go abroad to Switzerland or Austria to ski and go abroad in the summer to warmer climbs although again, I cannot think why when we also get hot summners as well. What is wrong with learning about your own country. My mother who was a voluntary worker from home for Cats Protection once had a call from someone in Leicestershire, asking if she could come and pick up her cat. Yes you read it correctly, nobody looks at a map let alone know the whereabouts of their own country. Alright, you may get the odd rainy day here and there but there are plenty of places to visit, country houses, if you have a caravan with an awning or even a beach hut, why not take some games such as Monopoly or scrabble. Who knows you may discover that one of your children or even grandchildren are short on the spelling front. I heard the other day that boys are four or five years behind in reading. That should say something.

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